[CRACK] WindBot Tibia 10.80 Download - Official
# Easy To Use - WindBot is intuitive and very easy to use! Even a first-time-botter will be able to get the bot to run with just a few clicks.
# High Exp/h - Because WindBot is smarter you shall get an instant bump on your exp/rate.
# Script Compatibility - iBot to WindBot Converter allows you to use your old iBot scripts. Load, setup and run, simple as that!
# Big Profit - Our Looting System reaches 100% of accuracy in most hunting scenarios, making your hunt extremely efficient!
# Stunning HUDs - HUD system runs very fast and lets you draw all kinds of things.
# Zero CPU Usage - Combining WindBot with Wind Client Addons you will be able to run multiple clients at close to zero CPU usage!*
Advanced Healer
Our healing system allows you to customize the way your character heals in several ways, allowing you to personalize it enough to
survive the toughest dungeons.Different healing conditions will allow you to heal at randomized health and mana points. The healer
can also start healing at one point and it will not stop before reaching a chosen condition.We have 4 different sets of healing rules:
Spell Healer, Potion Healer, Condition Healer and Mana Trainer. This way you can use spells and potions at the same time,
heal your character from conditions (such as paralyze, poison or burning), or make runes and use spells to train your mana. And much more!
Customizable Cavebot
The cavebot system is not only easy to use and make paths with. It introduces a new concept for cavebot waypoints: Waypoint Tabs.
Each tab contains a list of waypoint nodes, lets you keep your waypoints organized and makes it easy for you to start your cavebot
from any position on the map. Special Areas will make your scripts safe by avoiding holes and dangerous areas, skipping a bad path, etc.
To extend cavebot's functionality you can add Cavebot Scripts. Those are Lua Scripts that will only run with cavebot enabled.We have
several types of waypoint nodes: Stand, Walk, Node, Shovel, Rope and others. We also have Action waypoints, which allow you
to do things like: open doors, go to labels, deposit items, withdraw cash, etc. There is also a new feature called Cavebot User Options,
which lets you switch custom settings for a script by using widgets like checkboxes, spinboxes and comboboxes.
Accurate & Fast-Setup Looting
We tested the looting system at the most stressful hunting places: dragons throwing fire bombs, items falling above your loot and several
monsters killing you at once. During those tests WindBot managed to loot over 95% percent of the dead bodies! Also, we made it extremely
easy to build looting lists, and you can make one in as fast as 3 mouse clicks! WindBot has a database feature integrated with a
customizable set of items dropped by each monster, and the Auto-Generate Loot List feature is built upon that. The bot also has the
capability of ignoring not-so-valuable corpses, alert if a rare item was dropped and to prioritize more packed bodies.
Smart Targeting
Using Advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms we managed to create a very smart targeting system. You can Approach a creature carefully,
avoiding waves and beams. You can Keep Away from a monster, allowing paladins and mages to hunt too. You can Lure a target to a
pre-selected spot, making it easy to make 'knight blocking' scripts. We also made Targeting Categories, that lets your character fight
several monsters at once using area spells like eternal winter, groundshaker and fire wave, as well as area runes like avalanche and great
fireball runes. Different sets of targeting lists can be made using Targeting Profiles. Using it, you can customize your hunting style for
several levels and vocations, and switch from one profile to another with a single mouse click!
Lua Scripting
WindBot's scripting system is based on the well-known Lua Language. Coding scripts in Lua will allow you to display things on screen,
play sounds, operate on files and make the bot emulate almost any mouse and keyboard events. And to make it even easier to code we added a
few features to the language, like native variables, foreach iterators, init blocks, and more... But you don't have to be a scripter to be
able to make use of this feature right away. Our community has several good scripters and some professional scripters aswell.
HUDs System
WindBot features a beautiful and extremely smooth HUDs System. You can draw images, rectangles, circles, arc, texts, vector graphics, as
well as items and outfits used by the client and more. Using a special type of HUD called the World HUD, you can synchronize rendering of
HUDs that are sensitive to motion with the client's frame rendering and it will look like your HUDs are being painted by the client itself!
For an example, check PlayerInfo.lua. WindBot comes packed with a few pre-made HUDs scripts, like Navigation Radars and Death Timers.
But you can also put your creativity into practice and create your own! The HUDs system also accepts several kinds of interaction with the user.
Navigation & Fighting
Using the Navigation System, you can chat with your friends, exchange files and information, see where your enemies and allies are in the
world map in real time, have multiple WindBots talk to each other and much more! In addition to it, we created an awesome way to tag
players as enemies, allies or neutrals. WindBot keeps track of all of your look messages and adds them to a local database on your computer.
You can change the relationship between you and other players with one simple click.Using Player Relations and Lua Scripts you can develop
your own strategies for combat, like targeting selection, friend healing, etc.There are still a few improvements to come, like a centralized
database of information about players to see their levels and guild without looking at them and the sharing of such player info by using the Navigation server.
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