iBot Tibia 10.80 Download Official

iBot Tibia 10.80 Download


- Simulate keystrokes and mouse clicks so that it is still free to use the mouse and keyboard.
- Built for both simplicity and flexibility.
- Many functions ibot is implemented in the script, so you can simply activate the scripts, but you can also customize them to fit your needs.
-Script system that lets you do actions at the press of a button or automatically, based on certain conditions.
-Displays practical information on screen for convenience and to assist you in taking choices during your gameplay.
-Deposits gold and items, refills potions, talks with NPCs and travels with just a few simple script commands.
-Has different ways of walking accross caves that may save time by avoiding areas with no monsters spawned.
-Advanced looting system, you can choose which items you wanna take and where you wanna put then.
-Goes up and down ramps, ladders, stairs, rope spots, shovel spots, opens doors, uses sewer grates, etc.
-Advanced integrated healing/mana restore system that lets you heal with multiple spells, potions and runes, and can use exact values or percentages.

several Options:

1.Player info.
2.Character info.
3. Status Log.
4.Others Stuff.
5.Training Statistics.
6.Status Log Filter.
7.Monster Status.
8.Training Options.
9.Monster List.
10.Training Area.
11.Skill List.
12.Attack Skill.
13.And many more...

